
Stuffed Beef Tortellini's

Hello friends! Hope everyone is doing well! On today's post I wanted to share a simple and easy recipe that I did last week for dinner. I was running a little late and didn't want to eat out so I decided to make an easy dish you all can enjoy as well. I love being in the kitchen but when I can put together a dish in less than 30minutes- I'm all for it.

I have always been a big pasta fan and this dish makes me want to get in the kitchen and wipe it up right now LOL. All you need is a can of diced tomatoes, oregano, diced garlic, a few basil leaves and a bag of tortellinis- these are usually sold at your local grocery store and come in various flavours.

Bring water to a boil on a medium pot and add your tortellinis (leave in for 6-8 minutes or as recommended on package). While that is cooking in a medium sauce pan add a tablespoon of olive oil, and add a can of diced tomatoes. Finely dice up your garlic, basil leaves and add into mixture along with a pinch of salt and oregano. Let it simmer on medium heat. Once the tortellinis are done, set aside less than a 3/4 of cup of pasta water, and drain the rest. Add tortellinis into sauce pan and mix together, adding the pasta water and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Let it sit for a couple more minutes with your heat off. Once that is done plate your pasta and add your favourite type of shredded cheese on top ( mines mozzarella).

Done! See! how easy was that?!

Hope you guys enjoy !


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